盛宝学堂 每日一词|科学技术普及法 Science and Technology Popularization Law



The draft revision to the Science and Technology Popularization Law was submitted to an ongoing session of the National People's Congress Standing Committee on November 4, 2024 for the first reading. This is the first revision of the law since it was enacted in 2002.



科学技术普及(简称科普)是国家和社会普及科学技术知识、弘扬科学精神、传播科学思想、倡导科学方法的活动,是实现创新发展的重要基础性工作。2002年6月,《中华人民共和国科学技术普及法》已由中华人民共和国第九届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十八次会议通过。2024年11月,《科学技术普及法》颁布22年来首次修订。2035年建成科技强国,国家科普能力建设在提速。    修订草案适应科普面临的新形势、新要求,聚焦科普发展中的突出问题,优化创新制度,完善体制机制,新增“科普活动”和“科普人员”两章,共8章60条,主要包括明确科普的总体要求和目标方向、强化科普社会责任、促进科普活动、加强科普队伍建设、强化保障措施等内容,全面促进科学技术普及,推进实现高水平科技自立自强。     



创新之道,唯在得人。得人之要,必广其途以储之。要营造良好创新环境,加快形成有利于人才成长的培养机制、有利于人尽其才的使用机制、有利于竞相成长各展其能的激励机制、有利于各类人才脱颖而出的竞争机制,培植好人才成长的沃土,让人才根系更加发达,一茬接一茬茁壮成长。 Talented people are essential to innovation. We must expand the channels to build a large talent pool. We will create a favorable environment for innovation, and form effective training, hiring, incentive and competition mechanisms that can help talent to grow, to stand out and to give of their best, so that talented people will emerge in greater numbers from generation to generation.



Scientific and technological innovation and dissemination of science are the two wings to propel our innovation-driven development. The latter should be considered as important as the former. If the scientific literacy of the whole of society is not raised, we cannot build a large contingent of high-caliber innovative personnel, nor turn their research results in production quickly. You scientists and engineers should take it as your mission to enhance the scientific literacy of the whole nation, and make it your unshirkable duty to spread science, the spirit of science, and scientific thinking and methods. With your efforts, we will see a society emerge where everyone loves, studies and uses science, and this should allow the creativity of the Chinese people to flourish.




scientific innovation


reform of scientific and technological system


world leader in science and technology


self-reliance and strength in science and technology