盛宝学堂 每日一词|中国南极秦岭站 China's Qinling Station in Antarctica



China's 41st Antarctic expedition team set sail on November 1, 2024, starting a mission expected to last nearly seven months. Over the coming months, researchers will build the supporting infrastructure for the Qinling Station in Antarctica, investigate the impact of climate change on the Antarctic ecosystem, and conduct international research and logistics cooperation.




秦岭站位于南极罗斯海沿岸区域,建筑面积5244平方米,可容纳度夏考察人员80人、越冬考察人员30人。该站主体设计为南十字星造型,设计理念源自中国航海家郑和下西洋使用的南十字星导航。秦岭站设计立足于南极考察的大尺度规划,综合考虑后勤运转、科学观测、国际合作和环境保护等要素,形成以考察站为中心的多圈层全域考察模式,考察范围可达到300公里—500公里的范围。  秦岭站作为我国第三个南极常年越冬考察站,将在我国南极科考中发挥重大作用。秦岭站将填补我国在太平洋扇区长期观测的空白,从而实现对南极长期观测网的系统构建,更好地回答气候变化、冰雪和生态环境变化机理等前沿科学问题。



The completion of the building of the Qinling Station will provide a strong guarantee for scientists in China and around the world to continue to explore the mysteries of nature and bravely ascend the peak of science.




Setting our sights on the global frontiers of science and technology, national economic development, the major needs of the country, and the health and safety of the people, we should speed up efforts to achieve greater self-reliance and strength in science and technology. To meet China's strategic needs, we will concentrate resources on original and pioneering scientific and technological research to achieve breakthroughs in core technologies in key fields.




Antarctic scientific expedition team


international exchanges and cooperation


polar environmental protection