盛宝学堂 每日一词|绿色储粮技术 green grain storage technologies
By the end of 2023, the total storage capacity of low-temperature and near-low-temperature grain warehouses nationwide had climbed to 200 million tonnes, and the comprehensive loss rate of state-owned grain warehouses remained within a reasonable range of 1 percent, according to the National Food and Strategic Reserves Administration. China has been promoting green grain storage technologies in its grain warehouses, covering such areas as temperature control, internal circulation and comprehensive pest control.2024年5月16日,学生们在河北省深州市粮仓博物馆参观。图片来源:新华社 国家粮食和储备局称,截至2023年末,全国粮食标准仓房完好仓容超7亿吨,较2014年增长了36%。近年来,国家有关部门加大投入力度,推进仓储设施建设,目前基本形成与粮食生产、储备和流通相适应的粮食收储保障体系。从总量看,我国粮食仓储设施规模逐年递增,有效满足粮食收储需要。随着我国仓储设施建设的持续深入,粮仓的规模、布局、结构、功能不断升级优化。目前,机械通风、环流熏蒸、粮情测控、谷物冷却“四合一”储粮技术已成为国有粮库的标配,我国粮食仓储更加绿色、环保、节能,在确保粮食数量安全的同时,粮食储存保质保鲜水平进一步提升。 保障粮食安全,要在增产和减损两端同时发力,持续深化食物节约各项行动。要树立大食物观,构建多元化食物供给体系,多途径开发食物来源。要严格考核,督促各地真正把保障粮食安全的责任扛起来。To ensure food security, efforts must be made to both increase production and reduce food losses, continuing to further prevent food waste. An all-encompassing approach to food must be adopted to build a diversified food supply system, and develop food sources in multiple ways. Assessment of officials' performance must be tightened to urge all localities to shoulder their responsibility for securing food security.——2022年12月23日至24日,习近平在中央农村工作会议上的重要讲话national strategies for food security